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Chocolate Infusion - 17 sachets

Yogi Tea

Chocolate Infusion - 17 sachets

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Yogi Tea choco infusion consists of a warming blend of cocoa bark and chai spices. The combination of the sweetness of cocoa with spices such as cinnamon, licorice, cardamom and spicy ginger make this a heavenly drink ideal for relaxation. It is recommended to taste it sweetened and with a dash of milk.

C.I.P. reference : 4012824402577

17 unités

Nature de produit : Infusion
Conditionnement : Bag, Cardboard box
Label : Organic Agriculture

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the sachet and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.

Cocoa shells* (56%), liquorice* (14%), cinnamon* (15%), barley malt*, lean cocoa powder* (2%)carob*, cardamom*, ginger*, cloves *, ginger oil*, vanilla extract*, cinnamon oil*, black pepper*, vanilla extract*, vanilla bean*. *Organic Agriculture.

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Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 24/03/2025

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