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Coquelusedal Child Suppositories - 10 units


Coquelusedal Child Suppositories - 10 units

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Coquelusédal child is a medicine reserved for children from 30 months to 15 years old. It is to be used in case of benign acute bronchitis as an adjunct treatment.

C.I.P. reference : 3400930194072

Warning Medicine

10 unités

Minimum age : 30 mois

Nature de produit : Suppository
Conditionnement : Cardboard box
Indication / Contre-indication : Do not exceed the recommended daily dose

Traditional herbal medicine used during benign acute bronchial affections in children from 30 months to 15 years old. Its use is reserved for the indications specified on the exclusive basis of the seniority of use.

Duration of treatment: 5 days

1 to 2 suppositories per day, rectally.

Grindelia, gelsemium

Excipient with known effect: propylene glycol.

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Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 24/03/2025

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