20 drops per 20 kg body weight, twice a day. The duration of the treatment is several months either continuously or in courses of 15 days per month. Administer directly into the animal's mouth or dilute in drinking water or mix with food.
Cresol 5 CH, Cresol 7 CH, Cresol 9 CH Cicuta virosa 15 CH, Veratrum viride 5 CH, Coriaria myrtifolia 12 CH, Oenanthe crocata 9 CH, Rana bufo 12 CH, Cuprum metallicum 9 CH, Calcarea arsenicosa 15 CH, exipient: ethanol with 15% V/V.
Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 17/02/2025