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Friends Refill 48ml


Friends Refill 48ml

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FELIWAY FRIENDS is an easy-to-use solution that helps reduce conflict between cats in the same household and corrects behaviors such as fighting, chasing, blocking and staring.

- It helps your cats get along better at home. Its continuous effect ensures a good permanent understanding.
- Clinically proven, used and recommended by veterinarians.

C.I.P. reference : 3411112251285

1 unité

Nature de produit : Refill
Conditionnement : Cardboard box
Indication / Contre-indication : Do not get in eyes, Do not swallow, Keep out of reach of children

Easy to use
- Ready to use: screw the bottle onto the diffuser device and plug it into an electrical outlet.
- Leave the diffuser on at all times to maintain good relations between your cats.

Good to know
- A diffuser refill can cover an area of up to 70 m2.
- One diffuser refill has a shelf life of 30 days (48ml).
- Avoid connecting the diffuser under a shelf or behind a door, curtains or furniture as this will affect the proper functioning of the device.

Cat Calming Pheromone Analog (CAP)...2%
Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon qsp ... 100ml

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Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 24/03/2025

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