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Good Gout Brasse Vegetarian Avoi/frai/banana 90g

Good Taste

Good Gout Brasse Vegetarian Avoi/frai/banana 90g


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A creamy stir-fry with oat drink, good strawberries and delicious bananas, a little oat flour, a drop of lemon juice, and nothing else!

C.I.P. reference : 3760269310759

1 unité

Minimum age : 6 mois

Nature de produit : Food
Conditionnement : Gourd
Specificities) : Phthalate free, Without bisphenol-A
Label : Organic Agriculture
Indication / Contre-indication : Keep out of reach of children

Shake. Pour into a bowl or directly into a spoon. Taste!

Warning: do not leave children under 36 months with the cap unattended! Never put the bottle directly in the microwave.

35% organic OAT drink (organic OAT (GLUTEN), water), 31% organic strawberry, 30% organic banana, 4% organic OAT flour, concentrated lemon juice

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Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 24/03/2025

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