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L'Homme - Powerful, spicy, phlegmatic infusion - 17 sachets

Yogi Tea

L'Homme - Powerful, spicy, phlegmatic infusion - 17 sachets

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We love its strength and its gentleness, its hard and sentimental side. His strength of character and his discretion. The exaggerated ideal of modern man? Do not panic ! We simply propose to praise the irresistible attractions of our infusion for men, which it owes to the mixture of herbs and roasted spices, ginseng, red pepper and mace. An inspiration for the male side in all of us and a real source of strength!

The infusion for those who are strong in character.

C.I.P. reference : 4012824405189

17 unités

Nature de produit : Infusion
Conditionnement : Bag, Cardboard box
Label : Organic Agriculture
Indication / Contre-indication : Keep out of reach of children

Pour 250ml of boiling water over the bag and steep for 5-6 minutes, or longer for a stronger taste.

Contains licorice – people with hypertension should avoid excessive consumption.

Ginger*, cardamom*, liquorice*, carob*, cinnamon*, barley malt*, roasted chicory*, peppermint*, fenugreek*, fennel*, mace*, anise*, ginseng root*, astragalus*, turmeric *, chilli*, cinnamon oil*, black pepper*.

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Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 17/02/2025

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