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Lemon eucalyptus essential oil 10ml


Lemon eucalyptus essential oil 10ml

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Naturactive Lemon eucalyptus oil anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it soothes joint pain, tendonitis and keeps insects away

C.I.P. reference : 3700026995379

1 unité

Nature de produit : Oil
Conditionnement : Dropper
Label : Organic Agriculture
Indication / Contre-indication : Avoid contact with skin, mucous membranes and injured skin, Avoid contact with the eyes, Do not use in epileptics, Do not use in people with asthma, Do not use while breastfeeding, Keep out of reach of children, not for use by pregnant women

Olfactory atmosphere : alone or mixed by evaporation.
Atmospheric diffusion : alone or mixed in a diffuser by nebulization.
Cutaneous application : diluted 5 to 30% in vegetable oil.
Oral intake: diluted in a little edible vegetable oil. 2 to 3 drops per day.
Dry inhalation : 1 drop on a handkerchief.
Joint comfort : dilute 120 drops of lemon essential oil in Calophylle oil (in a 30 ml bottle). Apply to sensitive areas 3 to 4 times a day.
Insects : a few drops of Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil on a bandana to wear around the neck or wrists. It can also be combined with Patchouli essential oil.

Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. (Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) KD Hill & LAS Johnson).
Myrtaceae family.
Distilled organ: the leaf.
Main molecules: citronellal, isopulegol.
Origin: Madagascar or South America.

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Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 17/02/2025

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