Adults: 2 drops, 3 times a day.
Children from 6 years old: 1 drop, 3 times a day.
For adults and children over 6 years old. Do not use in children under 6 years old. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding or in subjects with allergic or epileptic tendencies. Monitor blood pressure in people with hypertension. Do not exceed the recommended daily doses. Do not use for prolonged periods. Do not swallow pure. Do not pour directly into water, tea or herbal tea. Avoid direct contact with eyes and skin. Does not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. Essential oils require precautions for use. Consult your pharmacist. Dropper bottle with child-safe opening.
Lemon tree essential oil from organic farming: 100% pure and of natural origin. Latin name: Citrus x limon L. Body: lemon peel. Family: Rutaceae. Main components: limonene, B-pinene, p-mentha-1,4 diene. Cold expression then distillation.
Photo non contractuelle - All prices include VAT - excluding delivery costs. Page updated on 24/03/2025